Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Awwwww.........hear that?

I didn't either. The only sound I can hear right now is the hum of my laptop. I forgot it even hummed. The three monsters are in day camp this week. I love 'em, but it is hard not being able to complete one thought for a month straight. They are having the time of their lives. I pick them up each day wet, muddy, full of stickers and burs, exhausted, grumpy, stinky and happy. It is well worth the price of admission.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.......

OK, my procrastinating got me out of improging plethora. Which is good, because Hayley and Susan did it much better than I ever could. The new improg word of the week is PONYTAIL.

I must admit I envy the adult woman in ponytail. Mostly because I used to look good in them and now my hair is short. Because it got all funked up when I had chemo, imagine that. But for now, this new hairstyle is better for me than growing it out because it would look like a cross between Kramer and a malnourished poodle*. Really. My hair does seem to be returning to it's old texture, slow......ly.

* this, of course, is way better than being bald and on chemo

For now I will just have to fantasize pulling my hair back and putting it in a pony tail holder.

It will be thick and luxurious. It will jostle as I walk. And have pretty, natural highlights. Awww...but to dream......

My daughter has entered the ponytail age. No one warned me this area is fraught with danger. If I am unable to execute the ponytail exactly as she had hoped (all laws of physics not expected...) then the frump face comes out. Believe me, this does not ever go well. So here I would love any ponytail....and she isn't happy with any.....as they say.... life's a ponytailed bitch.

I once read an article that some guy wrote that discussed what kind of grease to use on a man's ponytail. I think this is a crime against humanity. What exactly goes through a white middle-aged man's mind when he decides this is the look for him? I find it amusing that "macho" men are embracing such an effeminate hairstyle. It didn't even look good on David Beckham.

I am waiting for the men to break out the pig tails. That would at least be amusing.

Maybe I should become a vigilante girl with scissors, saving the world one horrible man-tail at a time. I could probably take care of a few rat-boy tails too.

Watch out boys, snip, snip!! Ponytail Bitch is coming for ya!!


Improgging Fool! said...

Great IMPROG, Ponytail Bitch. I may just call you PB for short, at least when we are in public (or in front of your children!)

Susan said...

Just wait until you have to do a bun for ballet class.

Amila Salgado said...

"I am waiting for the men to break out the pig tails".

I would be surprised if this really happens the way things are going...!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh Margerie, you crack me. You really do.

Hayley Townley, Jack of Many Trades said...

Hey - maybe your darling hubby can wear that sexy black wig for the Halloween party. Or, if he starts growing his hair, he may be able to pull off the ponytails on his own.

Amila Salgado said...

I meant to say

"I wouldn't be surprised if this really happens the way things are going...!"

I know that I wouldn't try that!