Friday, February 22, 2008

One big step for woman, one small step for womankind

OK, I am doing a blog. Why? My friend Hayley told me to that is why! People are going to read this? I am still grasping the very concept. I have participated in online discussion boards for several years now. This seemingly one-sided conversation is outside my comfort zone. But I figure it is cheap therapy and maybe a way to let my hair down. That's right- I can't let my hair down, because it has been Kramertized by chemotherapy. More on that later.

Today I almost had to do yoga. It is raining. I usually take the two dogs for an hour hike every day. Built-in upper body workout, as the two dogs weigh close to 200 pounds, and so do I by the way. Need to be more of a "master" as Cesar Milan would say. But I would miss the hour of semi-restraining the two beasts. So we lumber around the neighborhood, not perfect, but perfectly happy in our own way. Anyway, I almost had to break out the yoga mat when the sun broke through after lunch. I may even make it all winter without having to do the dirty deed that is yoga, that everyone seems to like except me.

Tonight my oldest child is in his school talent show. I have seen the auditions and the dress rehearsal and I can honestly say that elementary kids should not be holding talent shows. They just aren't very talented! Boo hiss, bad mommy. I am I am! I find it hard to not suppress a smirk when the group of boys play "We will, we will rock you!" with a few beeps and honks out of tune. I am not even going to mention the girl who spent more time picking up her batons than not. I guess I am sensitive to my own child's "comedy act". The kids were laughing. I guess I need to lighten up.

OK enough bitching! I feel better already. Now I am off to contemplate what "my favorite salad" is so I can make it for the pot luck tonight......................


Hayley Townley, Jack of Many Trades said...

And welcome to Blogger. We've been waiting for you!

You rock! XOXO

ML said...

Love it! I love the side of you I have never seen.....

Keep it up .....